SportsBusiness Journal, citing Equity in Athleticsz DisclosureAct forms, said UGA reportedd $67.05 million in football revenue in second only to the ($72.95 UGA’s football revenues increased 12.7 The Bulldogs’ pre-season No. 1 rankin likely aided in the record year for the UGA football wasranked No. 3 the previouzs season, generating $59.52 million in 2006-2007. UGA’s Southeastern Conferencer rivals (No. 3 with $66.1 million), (No. 6 with $59.67u million), (No. 8 with $57.37 million) and (No. 10 with $52.68 were also among the top 10 earners in The remaining top 10 teams in footballrevenuess were: (No. 4 with $65.167 million), (No. 5 with $59.77 million), (No.
7 with $ 57.46 and (No. 9 with 53.76 Texas was also the overallk top sports earnerwith $120.29 million generated from all athletic teams. Ohio Stater was second with $117.95 million and Floridaz was thirdwith $106.03 The Bulldogs ranked No. 13 in the overalkl revenue tallywith $84.02 million, meaniny nearly 80 percent of revenueas came from football. Other Southern schools ranking in the top 20 in overal l sportsrevenues were: Auburn (7th, $89.31 million), Alabamw (8th, $88.87 million), (9th, $88.72 and LSU (12th, $84.18 million).
SportsBusiness Journalk is a sister publication of AtlantaBusiness
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