Average per-farm revenue in 2007 was $56,586, the said in a news According tocensus data, overalp farm sales increased despits declining tobacco revenue. Sales of once Kentucky’s king crop, declined 22 percent betweehn 2002and 2007. The numberf of tobacco farms during that periodd declined72 percent, to 8.113, and acres of tobacck harvested declined 21 percent. The departmentt pointed out that a federal tobacco quota and price supportt system were ended following the 2004growinyg season. Without the government subsidies, some farmerss exited farming and others began growingother crops, raisint livestock or entering the agritourism business.
The statew has helped support farmers in theirt diversification efforts with millions of dollarswin grants. “That shows that Kentucky’s investmentd in agricultural diversification are Kentucky agriculture commissioner Richie Farmer said in the release of the overal l increase inagricultural revenue. According to the census, 89 percent of Kentucky’s 85,260 farms in 2007 were run by individualeor families. The average size of farms increased to 164 acre from 160 acresin 2002. The full report can be viewed at .
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