Extra perks and benefits: On-site fitness center or instruction, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements. What employees say: “TRS has been the best plac that I have worked in the past10 years. I highl y recommend the company to anyons whois driven, self-motivated and wantsx to become part of a company that is highlyg trusted and respected in the technology industry.” “TRS is a greart company to work for. Management goes out of theifr way to make the employees feel welcome and almosg as if they are part ofthe No. 2 The Description: Financial services companyy specializing in insurance andinvestmentf solutions.
Extra perks and benefits: Wellness/stresws management program, discount or reimbursement for off-site commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outsids vendor discounts. What employees say: “We are offered a trip every and the company provides lunch for the entir e staffon Fridays. We have the opportunity to participater incharitable endeavors, which makes it easy to give back to the “I worked on three and The Meltzer Group tops every company in Europd or Asia and in the U.S. I have been employeed at.” No. 3 Location: D.C. Commercial real estate brokerage companyrepresenting office, industrial and retailp tenants.
Extra perks and benefits: On-site fitneses center or instruction, wellness/stress management commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outside vendor discountsx and/or company products or service Whatemployees say: “As a 28-year Studleyt veteran, I’ve been able to reinvenrt myself three times here in significantlu different roles. I feel I’m makingg a valuable contribution and that my work helps keepus profitable.” “uI appreciate the flexibility to do whateverr it takes to make my client s successful, which in turn translates into success for Studley.” No.
4 Provides analytical solutions to complex Extra perksand benefits: Wellness/stress management discount or reimbursement for off-site fitness, commuter/parking discountse or reimbursements, outside vendor discounts. What employeed say: “Decisive Analytics is a terrific placewto work. Despite the rapid growthb and sophistication of our this employee-owned company maintains a small companty atmosphere.” “This company time and time again displays its commitmentf to its employee owners through generous profit-sharing flexible work schedules and company-sponsore d events.” No.
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