الاثنين، 28 يناير 2013

Denver gas prices up 38 cents from a month ago - Denver Business Journal:

Regular gas was $2.01 in Denver on April 30, AAA said. It was $2.31 just a week ago, 8 cent less. For mid-grade gas, the average Denvere price is $2.55, up from $2.165 a month ago, and for premium it'as $2.67, up from $2.26 last AAA said. Still, that's a lot betterf thanDenver gas prices up 38 cents from a monthu ago May 30last year, when regular gas averageed $3.86 in Denver. But if the currengt pace of priceincreases continues, Denver wouls reach that price level in four months. The price of crudd oil was about $32 a barrel five monthd ago, but has since risen to more than $66 a barrepl for July delivery, despite the recession.
Wholesalee gas prices have risen 140 percent since the AssociatedPress reported. The highest prices ever recorded for regular in Denverwas $4.01 on July 17, 2008. the regular-gas average price is $2.47 a AAA says. The Fuel Gauged Report is compiled for the AAA by the with the help ofWrightg Express.

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