CU will operate the called BoulderDigital Works, in partnership with the parent compan of advertising giant , which moved many of its employees from Miamk to a new Boulder office in the past few The parent company is MDC Partners, a Toronto-based networkm of agencies. CU’s Divisionm of Continuing Education and Professional Studiexs will operatethe program, which will be open to medisa professionals, community members and CU students. The School of Journalism and Mass Communication, especiallyu the advertising faculty, will handle the academic management.
Advertising professorf David Slayden will serve asexecutive Sweden’s Hyper Island, a digital learning program in Europe, also will be a partnetr in the program, with student and faculty exchanges. The prograkm will start in the fall witha 60-week certificatse program in Digital Arts and Applications are due Aug. 15. Also, starting in late the school willoffer 36-hour immersion Executive Programs in digitakl fluency for working professionals. For more information, visigt
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